Self-care Toolkits Launch
We have been invited to attend the launch (and run a promotional stall at the accompanying health roadshow) of the new Self-Care Toolkits in North Yorkshire Libraries. This will be a small event given the current situation (and COVID-safe measures are in place including the wearing of face coverings).
Following on from the success of the Wellbeing Bags for adults launched in 2018, project funding from Libraries Connected Yorkshire & Humber has enabled them to develop an easily portable collection of items designed to support young people’s mental health and wellbeing which can be used by individuals or groups at home, in the library or out in the community. The toolkits, aimed at and developed in consultation with young people 11-25, are contained in attractive and practical rucksacks and include books from the Reading Well Shelf Help collection, resources for colouring, journalling and origami, fidget toys and information on support organisations.
The informal launch of the scheme will take place on Saturday 22nd January at 11am at Ripon Library, The Arcade, Ripon, HG4 1AG with the toolkits available to view, publicity photos and a health roadshow running alongside the launch from 10am-2pm with partner stalls and some activities.